Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Chalkboard

This chalkboard hangs in my dining room. I change it whenever inspiration strikes. Sometimes it wishes my guests a simple 'Happy Birthday', and sometimes it stops you in your tracks, but most of the time it's just a simple quote that makes me feel good. I get the quotes from all different sources, just things that strike me when I read them, things I need to remind myself of. Sometimes the board is blank, that's not usually a good sign, but I'm not going to fill it just to fill it, it has to mean something. This quote just happened to come from Brin, one of my favorite bloggers. I think it is appropriate for spring as well as a appropriate for life in general. It's so easy to slip into neutral, to stop trying or to get tired. When the two feet of snow in my back yard melted away last week, there were 6 in. daffodils underneath it. I couldn't believe anything could be living and thriving underneath it, but there they were, persistent and growing despite what looked like a never ending layer of snow on top of them. I take my lesson from them this week, and it's a good one. The pictures below are what's happening in my yard as we speak. I love spring, have I told you that before?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my goodness, you're not gonna believe this, but I've been composing my own "chalkboard" post in my head for the past week or so. Why does it not suprise me we have similar chalkboards for similar purposes? Thanks for the smile...
