I mentioned the other day that the sewing room was almost done. I maybe forgot to tell you that I ended up taking over the master bedroom in the process. I decided that I could really use the extra space for a large cutting table. Deerslayer doesn't really care where he lays his head, so he was agreeable to the change. Our bedroom will be my old sewing room, a modest 9 by 10 space in the front of the house. Both rooms have been painted a light grey blue. I found a huge 45 by 65 chunk of wood at Ikea that was actually meant to be a headboard. It was the perfect size for the space and was in the clearance room to boot, 39 dollars for a table, sweet. I took down the ceiling fan and installed a 'free' red enamel light given to me by a friend. perfect. The room is still not quite finished but as you can see it is attracting occupants of the small variety. I started with 2, then had 4 before I knew it. I had hoped that this room would be fun and someplace that my girls and the neighborhood girls would want to be, so far so good I guess. A lot sooner than I expected though.

I'm thinking get them in, teach them stuff and poof, instant sweat shop. I told them this was my goal and they just laughed. They have no idea:)
I love it! (all parts of it - from the room to the sweat shop idea!) What do you have your sewing machine sitting on?