Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I'm Back

We were actually out of coffee this morning. I know, that rarely happens around here but when it does Deerslayer saves the day. Dunkin Donuts is literally right around the corner. As much as I sometimes complain about suburbia, I will admit that in a coffee emergency it has it's advantages. And for everyone out there who makes fun of my knowledge of all things trivial and my ability to remember every bit of useless knowledge I read or hear, it to has it's advantages when playing scratch off games. I will redeem this little guy post haste.

I've been gone from the blog world for awhile haven't I. I haven't even touched the computer in a week. No reason really, just plugging away here at home with the usual suspects, homework, cooking, visiting with friends, sewing jobs, and room redo's. Is it just me or is time flying.

If you remember, we have some pretty major changes occurring around here in just weeks. Deerslayer will be officially done pastoring very soon. My 15 years of being a pastors wife will be over. Our work with kids however will continue and we are very excited. On Target Outfitters continues to grow and develop by leaps and bounds. I can honestly say that I have no idea what life will be like here soon. I know that I'm feeling better every day and this time of rebuilding and restoring things that have been neglected has been successful. We're quite possibly happier than we have ever been. For that I am thankful.

I should have some room pictures to show you here soon, we've done a major reshuffling to make this house fit our needs just a bit more. It does look like we will stay here for a little while longer. We aren't really sure what kind of property we need at this point so we thought it wise financially to stay here. I'm making peace with that even though it means no garden or animals yet. One dream at a time people, one dream at a time.


  1. Missed you, friend. Praying for all the coming changes, transitions, and decisions...and sending much love!

  2. Love the 2nd flower pic! Glad things are good!
