Friday, March 5, 2010

The Farm Chick was in the kitchen today

Baked these today, Margaret's special oatmeal cookies. They were great! I ate a lot of them. I had some help, as you can see. And those of you who follow this blog, all 5 of you, know that no girl in the scott house wears a gray sweatshirt. So if you have deduced that this must be indeed a little boy, you are right. I'm watching a friends little boy today, he is very sweet, and likes my cookies. He has a very cool faux hawk as well. I was actually taking this picture sans hand before he got hungry, but I think it turned out pretty cute. This recipe is from my favorite cook book, "The Farm Chicks in the Kitchen." I use it probably twice a week, thanks to my friend Jeff.

The dishes are W.S. George, that I've been collecting for many years, the table cloth is my favorite vintage cloth.


  1. I love the photos...the vintage look...your photography. And make that SIX followers...I'm here everyday! :)

  2. Love the blog Barb! By the way, I need to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thanks to you introducing Annie to the Farm Chicks cookbook I enjoyed some delicious Maple Oat Scones this morning. Wonderfull

  3. And Margaret's Special Oatmeal cookies are next! :)

  4. I soooo want one of those cookies! (Your blog has such great photos!)
